Research on histories and technology - casually collected, crudely translated.


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Technologies used

RoHT documents are in markdown format.

It uses pandoc to convert documents to markdown.

Various python and Almquist shell scripts automate document parsing, cleaning and handling.

git shares and tracks work between machine handlers and human reviewers.

meld is used to manually identify and correct document differences.

Custom-written python scripts automate text translation by connecting to various publicly-available machine translation services.

pelican converts RoHT markdown to human-reviewable web content.

The website uses a slightly modified version of the pelican-alchemy theme.

All code and automated work is carried out on Alpine Linux 3.12 servers.

Technology guides

Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text using Pandoc and Markdown - The Programming Historian

Getting Started with Markdown - The Programming Historian

Git for Authors (pdf) - University of Puget Sound