Research on histories and technology - casually collected, crudely translated.



This page collects together links to chronology investigators' websites plus links to Google-translated pages.

Evidence Earth has been Quarried - Sibved

Links to original articles via Google translate to force translation into English. Each page renders in the original language, then switches to English after a few seconds.

Evidence for Mudflood - Sibved

Links to original articles via Google translate to force translation into English. Each page renders in the original language, then switches to English after a few seconds.

Evidence of Thermonuclear War - Sibved

Links to original articles via Google translate to force translation into English. Each page renders in the original language, then switches to English after a few seconds.

Starforts - Evidence and Purpose

Links to original articles via Google translate to force translation into English. Each page renders in the original language, then switches to English after a few seconds.

Videos: Forgotten Reality's video playlists

Forgotten Reality - Remembering the past, going back to the beginning. Youtube video playlists. As a test of a third-party video translation service, it didn't work as well as hoped but the videos may still be interesting, especially if you speak the native language.

Videos: Technology

This page collects together videos about oddities in human technological development. As a test of a third-party video translation servicer, it didn't work as well as hoped but the videos may still be interesting, especially if you speak the native language.

Videos: Quarried Earth, Terraformed Earth

This page collects together videos on grand-scale quarrying and terraforming, with links to subtitles. Videos are from various Russian sources, primarily by Alexei Kungurov and from Oleg Nestyagin's 'Dark Side' YouTube channel. This page was a test of a third-party video translation service. It didn't work as well as hoped but the videos may still be interesting, especially if you speak the native language.

gorojanin_iz_b's Forged History articles - Google-translated

It's about time we made a list post for material on history-fabrication and construction of 'historical artifacts'. Covering: Mysterious Civilizations of Pre-Columbian America. Mysteries and Unravellings. Part 1. The inscrutable Sacsayhuaman Part 2. The Mad Monuments of Cuzco Part 3. Delirium of the Architect of Tiwanaku Part 4. Ancient..."

The Mystery of the Easter Island Statues

From time to time I have made comments in various magazines about the mysterious Easter Island statues and the mystery of their movements around the island, which I have not collected together before now. It's about time for a proper post. I tried to find the earliest photo of the Easter Island icons. Wikipedia has only one early photo, allegedly from 1880...

Liverpool dungeons

It's logical to assume that this backfill was semi-liquid when it flooded the premises. Plus, it's not limited to this tunnel: all of Liverpool stands on it. And Prague. And Moscow. And Omsk. And Kazan. And after 1824, when Liverpool Royal Infirmary was opened (the dishes are found here), there was one similar event: the silting up of part of San Francisco Bay around 1851.

About John Stow

It is not clear what he was actually doing, but at the age of 35 he suddenly became acquainted with famous antiquaries, and a year later he had already published a collection of the works of Chaucer: The woorkes of Geoffrey Chaucer, newly printed with divers additions whichever have never been in print before.

Why do archaeologists only excavate temples and altars?

Has anyone checked these sites for mines beneath them? Could they be ore dumps? At one time at the opening of the Olympics in London in 2012 there was a historical hint about this (the moment when the workers come out of the hill and start industrialization).

Everybody Dances - Clues to the Real History of Airships

Well, in Eurasia, these forces turned the Russian-German Russian Empire into a desert, perhaps sparing its western part. Those events are sparingly mentioned in history as the defense of Sevastopol, although fighting elsewhere on the coast also occurred. And there is complete silence about the bombing of cities inland.

Complete history of catastrophic crash (variant No. 3 of 1/29/2020)

(A long read, large file) The penultimate stage of the flooding is dated 10,000 years ago, but they usually avoid dating of the last, uppermost sea terrace. In which case, the total flooding of Beringia 8,200 years ago is an acceptable assumption. Electrical discharges moving with space velocity liquidate the most part of threat pointwise: the most dangerous meteorites blow up from the bottom side, and most of them do not reach the surface of the planet.

Onward to the Past - The Faking of Conventional History

Something was taught to us in history classes, but recently it is beginning to rapidly collapse under the onslaught of facts extracted from the depths by numerous researchers. It turns out that many historical documents were simply forged for a specific purpose.