Research on histories and technology - casually collected, crudely translated.

sibved Articles

Evidence Earth has been Quarried - Sibved

Links to original articles via Google translate to force translation into English. Each page renders in the original language, then switches to English after a few seconds.

Evidence for Mudflood - Sibved

Links to original articles via Google translate to force translation into English. Each page renders in the original language, then switches to English after a few seconds.

Evidence of Thermonuclear War - Sibved

Links to original articles via Google translate to force translation into English. Each page renders in the original language, then switches to English after a few seconds.

Starforts - Evidence and Purpose

Links to original articles via Google translate to force translation into English. Each page renders in the original language, then switches to English after a few seconds.

Why do archaeologists only excavate temples and altars?

Has anyone checked these sites for mines beneath them? Could they be ore dumps? At one time at the opening of the Olympics in London in 2012 there was a historical hint about this (the moment when the workers come out of the hill and start industrialization).